I just got over my first of many colds this season. It's so annoying, especially for guys.
See, way back in the old days when our parents were all still kids it used to be cool to have a handkerchief. It was great, have a runny nose? No probs, I got my hanky! Blow your nose and let that bad boy air-dry the way God intended it.
Then one day someone realized that that was really disgusting and that they didn't want to carry a gross piece of snot soaked cloth around in their pocket all day. So some lady invented the disposable tissue (I didn't check if it was a lady but it has to be, guys aren't grossed out by any natural body functions, in fact were pretty proud of them.) From that day forward disposable tissues were carried by women everywhere, while men were left to deal with their snot empty handed.
Don't get me wrong, I'll use tissues if any are layin' around but I'm not gunna carry them on me. Ladies can carry tissues in their purse or bags, guys can't do that. You can't fit a giant wad of tissues in your pocket. For one, once you get them in there good luck getting it out in one piece, it's for sure gunna rip and then your just blowing your nose through a giant hole onto your hand. You can't put tissues in your wallet, maybe like one, but who only uses one anyway. Besides, we need that room for all the money guys have...
So usually we end trying to keep it up there as long as we can. This consists of us attempting to suck our snot back into our heads, and that doesn't work so we end up wiping our nose on our hand (followed by wiping our hand on something else, usually our pants or on our desk or something.)
So there you have it. One good reason why boys are gross...lack of storage. Although I did find this sweet hat that would solve all our problems...