Sunday, April 29, 2007

I Think I Was Born This Way...

I've been hanging out with Shane & Brooke Christensen this past week while Pastor Randy and Karen were on a trip. I realize I have formed many bad habits over my 26 year lifespan...I am a slob. It's sad when you hear someone say "Don't do that! You don't want to end up like Pastor Adam!" Ok, so I drink like a bazillion pops and cups of coffee a day, i like coffee. My mom used to give me a "special cup" when I was a kid. I think it was a pound of sugar with some coffee sprinkled on it. IT WAS AWESOME! I've loved coffee ever since. My teachers all thought I had ADD, but i'm sure it was just the coffee.

TOP 3 reasons coffee is the best thing ever invented by man EVER!

#3 ...Just because OK!
#2 It makes you run faster and jump higher!
- OK so maybe it really dosen't but it feels true. I usually don't want to run or jump (or move for that matter), but after coffee I just can't help myself. Maybe if you drank enough coffee you could speed up your molecules in your body like The Flash and run through solid objects...that would be sweet!
#1 The worse it tastes, the better it is!
- It may be the only thing on the planet like that. You would be like "UGG! Gak! This tastes like sweaty socks soaked in sewer water...this is the BEST cup of coffee I've ever had!"
PS. Don't forget Tonight we are playing kickball at the epicenter! ...and maybe some dodgeball if you feel like getting OWNED by my coffee fueled, dodgeball cannon. AKA: my arm

1 comment:

animal lover said...

Finally!! I have someone that I relate to with coffee!!! haha luv coffe and luv ur blog thingy! its hilariouse!!